Designing a Dream.

Welcome to WE World Magazine!

Long before I ever sketched a room or selected a piece of fabric, I dreamed of design. Throughout my youth, I visualized the day when I would become a profes- sional designer. When that dream came true in 1989, my journey truly began. Over the years, it expanded to include other passions along the way, like fashion and help- ing people. As my design career evolved, so did my story.

Soon I had a new dream: to share that story with a wider audience, to celebrate and uplift others on a broader scale. WE World Magazine is the embodiment of that.

Getting to this point has not been easy. When I look back and recall where I began, I know WE World is possible only because of my community. The endless love
and support of clients and colleagues, family and friends, has made me who I am. Especially in this first issue, I want to express my gratitude to my partner in life and business, Gary Harlan, for always believing in me and for his unshakable guidance and encouragement. I’m beyond thankful for my incredible team, without whom there would be no WE World or Wilfredo Emanuel Design.

This magazine honors the beauty that surrounds each of us, in how and where we gather with one another, how we live, and what brings us joy. I’m so excited that through WE World, we can live in these moments together.

I hope as you’re designing your own dream, you’ll find inspiration and purpose in these pages. Thank you for joining me on this grand adventure.

Forever yours, Wilfredo Emanuel